A domestic thriller that spirals out of Control amidst a tangled web of deceit. Julien and Marie have enjoyed 15 years of seemingly stable marriage until Anaëlle, Julien’s childhood flame, returns. Her sudden presence awakens old insecurities in Marie, who begins to doubt Julien’s devotion and question her self-worth. Amid this emotional storm, Marie is drawn to Thomas, a charismatic stranger who offers her the validation she craves. What starts as an innocent flirtation quickly turns into a passionate fling that makes Marie feel alive again. But when Thomas’s obsession with her turns dangerous, Marie realises she’s ignited something far more perilous than she bargained for. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, Marie must make an impossible choice before everything falls apart. Will their marriage survive, or will it all spin out of Control?
Gabriel, 27, very handsome, has just arrived in Rio de Janeiro. On his first night, he beComes fascinated with the people he meets, especially one esCort boy, Adriano, Portuguese, strikingly handsome. He also makes new friends: Mônica, a 40-year-old non-binary woman, and Mateus, a 22-year-old esCort boy. At first, it’s not clear what Gabriel is doing in Rio, or what his situation was before he arrived. Little by little, it’s revealed that back home, in Fortaleza, he used to have a relatively Comfortable financial situation, living with his grandmother, who raised him and supports him until today. After she died, and his estranged father inherited all the money, Gabriel decided to Come to Rio and make a living by teaching English. He chose the Gloria neighbourhood, in part because he feels there he can live his gay sexuality more freely. He starts a romance with Adriano, and quickly beComes obsessed with the rent boy, in a way to avoid all the pain he’s feeling from the loss of his grandmother. Adriano is a Cocaine addict, and keeps disappearing and Coming back with no warning. This sends Gabriel in an investigation journey on Adriano, which ends up by turning Gabriel in an esCort himself. And, even though he doesn’t know it yet, Gabriel is also developing a Cocaine problem. The only thing keeping him afloat is his relationship with Monica and Mateus, who live together in a free love arrangement. Gabriel is so caught up with Adriano, that he doesn’t realize he is developing a strong bond with Monica and Mateus, both affectionate and sexual. Gabriel’s wakeup call Comes when Adriano dies of overdose in front of him. This pushes our protagonist over the edge, making him perceive he will also die if he Continues down the same path. Now, finally awake and determined to change, he understands that he needs to accept himself as a proud gay man and a sex worker. He has lost so much throughout his journey that only in the end is he able to see that he has found a fundamentally important thing: a family, in Gloria, with Monica and Mateus.
In the family of photographer-turned-filmmaker Misha Vallejo no one ever talks about his grandfather. He only hears about him for the first time as an adult, thanks to an abandoned photo Collection. Who was this shadow? And what legacy looms over the family? In his debut film Light Memories, Vallejo shows how the effects of neglect can persist across generations. The slides that belonged to Vallejo’s grandfather mainly raise questions. Even his grandmother doesn’t reCognize most of the people on them. To her children their father has always been a stranger. As the filmmaker talks to family members and digs through their silent past, the similarities with his own life start to beCome apparent. Although his parents would rather not discuss it. Light Memories shows a fractured family on the one hand, with absent father figures. On the other hand, the caring that goes on among the family members gives hope. Vallejo’s visual language—featuring slide projections and an impressive volcano—creates a graceful bridge between old and new times.
In Barra de Guaratiba, a teacher’s social project faces obstacles when the students allow themselves to be carried away by passions and work, while a utopian independence slowly pulses through their veins.
Jeff Dye is taking his renegade attitude to the stage in his debut Comedy special, The Last Cowboy in LA. Gone are the days of being the “go-along guy” as Jeff’s had enough of $30 smoothies, modern lingo, and his crazy friends on the Left and the Right. Get ready for non-stop laughter that will leave you wondering if maybe you’ve been alive too long.
When a disillusioned young woman drops out of College, she wanders around Chicago searching for meaning and Connection.