One of Emma’s mothers is too busy; the other is too far away. One is rejected, the other idealised. Out of a trivial tension, an intimate and unsettling face-to-face Confrontation suddenly arises.
The drama depicts the surreptitious invasion of the land our farmer cherishes, with devastating Consequences, as his livelihood, homestead and family life are threatened by local County lines drugs dealers: urban gangs using the British Countryside as a field of operations, moving drugs and money between their inner-city hubs and provincial areas. Nathan Williams is a man who runs a farm which has been in his family for generations, caught in a numbing rhythm of work and grief following the death of his wife, Sabine, two years previously. A single parent to teenager Johnny, Nathan is uniquely placed and possesses enough pent-up energy to take on the gangs that threaten to engulf his son. Consequently, he embarks on a personal journey that will take him ever further out of his Comfort zone into a dark alternative world as he fights to protect his family, his homestead and his legacy. He’s missed all the clues that the Country idyll around him has been fatally Compromised, Contaminated by waves of criminality spreading and mutating virus-like from the city. Now Nathan must accept that the rustic atmosphere of his childhood is long gone, replaced by something altogether more perilous. And the only way for Nathan to survive in this brave new world is to learn the rules and fight back.
InCognito follows the journey of seven individuals, who are said to each face personal challenges on the road to redemption. The series delves into their struggles as they Come together to face a Common enemy, engaging in high-stakes missions that will test their resilience, loyalty, and Combat skills.
西门长海(赵本山 饰)大难未死,康复后重返定远盟,继续肩负起保卫疆土、抗击倭寇的重任。其兄西门长在(赵本山 饰)在鹊刀门亦已渐入掌门角色,偶尔还会沉浸于大侠的幻想之中,乐在其中。 倭寇势力并未因挫败而收敛,他们轮番登场,企图从西门长海口中探得与之抗衡的其他势力的情报。 意图起兵造反的锦芦王,偶遇了伪装成算命先生的高大毛,误将其视为超凡脱俗的高人,诚邀其出山,委以天师之职。 王公公自京城查抄曹家,无意中发现曹公公的侄子曹东东(杨树林 饰),曹东东为换取自己的一线生机,用宝藏之名骗取王公公的信任,因此得以活命。 就这样各方势力集聚辽东,鹊刀门将被卷入新一轮的血雨腥风。长海与长在两兄弟携手众弟子,并肩作战抵御外敌,最终合力歼灭了倭寇及锦芦王等敌对势力,为辽东带来了久违的和平与安宁。
The band have just announced a new project called A Film For The Future, the 44-minute visual Companion to their worldwide No. 1 album, Moon Music. The film will premiere worldwide on YouTube on January 22, with special 360-degree screenings of the film taking place at Lightroom in London, Manchester and Seoul. Tickets are on sale now here. The film was created by over 150 different visual artists from 45 Countries. Each artist was given a handful of music snippets from Moon Music and asked to create Corresponding visuals. There were no rules or guidelines, and no knowledge of other artists’ creations.
杨过自幼流落江湖,在被大侠郭靖收留后拜入了全真门下,却因身世之谜在全真教内备受欺辱, 不堪折磨的他在机缘巧合下改拜小龙女为师,学习武功。适逢异族国师金轮法王率众南下,与古 墓派弃徒李莫愁联合,欲夺取古墓内的武功秘籍与军火地图。无意卷入江湖纷争的杨过与小龙女几度同生共死,二人间的师徒之谊逐渐发展成苦恋,期间杨过胳膊被砍,摔落悬崖,遇见“良师益友”神雕。
After World War II, Eleanor left Germany and built a life for herself in the United States as an interior designer. She saved derelict warehouses and transformed them into sought-after event venues. Now, at 92, the fear of the end torments her. The thought of a will makes her shudder. In the arms of a young man, she finds brief solace. She dances at parties and undergoes Cosmetic surgery. Yet, these actions do nothing to heal the emotional wounds her father left behind. Both the past and the future trouble Eleanor. But slowing down is not an option. 'I don’t think I believe in death', she says.
After years of uncertainty and involuntary exile, Siaka from Gambia and his wife Victoria have returned to their “homeland” Austria to build a stable existence and start a family. For over a year, Ivette Löcker acCompanies the Couple, whose longing for carefree love and the feeling of arrival are not fulfilled without meeting a certain amount of resistance. While Victoria tries to lead a “Completely normal” life as a graphic designer, Siaka fights his way through bureaucratic entanglements and precarious jobs while he searches for acceptance and social inclusion. The two of them invest a large part of their energy in achieving their shared utopia, but cultural differences remain significant, social structures remain immobile, and their own history and traditions are just as hard to shake off. Siaka is only in his early thirties and is already exhausted by life, by the challenges that stand in his way and his relationship on a daily basis. And he is tired of keeping quiet about his pain. In one crucial scene with Victoria, who would like to devote more attention to marital bliss, he discusses the urgent need to talk on-camera of his experiences of hardship, discrimination, and racism, in order to make more visible his own day-to-day reality as well as that of many others. “Racism is a sickness. A sickness for the human society. A sickness that will never cure. Unless you use your power to stop it.” Löcker knows how to use her position as a documentarian effectively. Her multi-layered portrait of a relationship that shakes up hegemonic notions unfolds, but not without ambivalences, always provoking reflection on our own prejudices. Even though – or precisely because – the director remains invisible, dispenses with voiceover, and only once gets involved in the action from off-screen, she highlights a clearly humanistic attitude. This is already seen in the prologue, as well as in a scene where Siaka and a friend clear a garden of weeds with their bare hands in a very short time, and not without some kidding around about the Austrians’ work ethic. Löcker’s solidarity is with the marginalized perspectives, which she once again places at the center of her observation in order to give space to their voices instead of talking about them. (Michelle Koch)
【介紹】 中國內地在1990年代初到2000年代出版過大量方言、外語的教材學習資料。不少教材還附有磁帶,以便人們進行自學。《邊貿俄語會話一百例》就是其中的一組外語學習磁帶。 【創作理念】 作為本小組的第15作,我們繼續以錄音磁帶作為「標的物」,討論信息分層、字幕中的語言文字和字形、對話聲音編排和電影虛構之間的共振等議題。其實,大量的語言學習磁帶因其教學性和枯燥感早就無人問津。磁帶收藏者往往忽視它們的存在。萬一磁帶的內容突然有了短暫的自我意識,那該怎麼辦?
讲述了一群朋友高中毕业七年后为当地政客哈德森工作的故事,哈德森当时正在竞选市长。在遇到一位老朋友后,“The Gang”必须揭开哈德森被枪杀和失踪的真相,并在此过程中揭开哈德森的真相。这些秘密可能会导致哈德森退出竞选,而且很可能会导致他被捕;然而,由于闪存驱动器上只有部分信息,该小组不知道该相信什么。他们必须找出真相,并决定是帮助哈德森,还是在他们有史以来最大的黑客攻击中将他与所有政府同行一起打倒。
Having failed to Commit suicide pact, Yeo-bin Comes back to her mother Soon-ok’s home to leave her daughter Yeon-ju in her hands.