影视简介Synopsis The documentary tells a compelling and intensely emotional story that took place along the Tiber River starting in 1999, and follows the events in the life of two families of eel fishermen who for generations have lived and worked along the urban stretch of the river, near the Grande Raccordo Anulare in the southern part of Rome. On one side are Cesare and Alfredo, known as the “Rosci”, two brothers who incarnate the pride and tradition of a family that has always been tied to the ancient traditions of the river. On the other, their historic rivals, Nando and Franco, known as the “Ciccioni”, who live with the elderly mother, Sor Irene, a central figure who serves as the moral and affective keystone of the family. Everything changes however with the arrival from Bangladesh of the young migrant Anwar, who opens the thousand-year old flow of the river to contact with new cultures. DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT The challenge I chose to address was to work on the subject of time, and to create an emblematic story of invisible people who work on the margins, in which the action occurs in a single unit of place. An empathic gaze over a culture that is disappearing and a new one that is emerging.影视简介