Castlevania: Nocturne, a new Netflix animated series, is officially in production. The series is led by showrunner Kevin Kolde and Creator/Writer Clive Bradley and produced by Project 51 Productions with production services provided by Powerhouse Animation. Castlevania: Nocturne follows Richter, a descendant of the Belmont family, popularized in the iconic Symphony of Night and... (展开全部) Castlevania: Nocturne, a new Netflix animated series, is officially in production. The series is led by showrunner Kevin Kolde and Creator/Writer Clive Bradley and produced by Project 51 Productions with production services provided by Powerhouse Animation. Castlevania: Nocturne follows Richter, a descendant of the Belmont family, popularized in the iconic Symphony of Night and Blood of Rondo Castlevania games.
华沙电影节纪录片竞赛。 Daria lives in Mexico with her five‑year‑old daughter Daphne and her husband Dave. Her peaceful life is shaken when she discovers that she is not the only child of her mother and that her biological siblings are located in Poland. Daria goes to her hometown of Toruń to explain the mystery of the past and confront her mother Wiesia and grandmother Adela. She also mee... (展开全部) 华沙电影节纪录片竞赛。 Daria lives in Mexico with her five‑year‑old daughter Daphne and her husband Dave. Her peaceful life is shaken when she discovers that she is not the only child of her mother and that her biological siblings are located in Poland. Daria goes to her hometown of Toruń to explain the mystery of the past and confront her mother Wiesia and grandmother Adela. She also meets her rediscovered brother, Mariusz. How many more brothers and sisters will Daria discover? And why did her mother give all these children up for adoption? Wiesia and Adela resist talking, but step by step Daria comes closer to the truth. She is assisted by professional genealogical researchers and her friends from childhood. What deeply concealed secrets will Daria manage to uncover?
GIANTS combines the latest science and cutting-edge CGI to connect the dots among the behemoths that roam our natural world, both past and present, and to explore how to protect their habitats for the future. Filmmaker Dan O’Neil leads a team of field biologists, bioengineers, and animal behaviorists to explore how these formidable creatures managed to achieve such massive prop... (展开全部) GIANTS combines the latest science and cutting-edge CGI to connect the dots among the behemoths that roam our natural world, both past and present, and to explore how to protect their habitats for the future. Filmmaker Dan O’Neil leads a team of field biologists, bioengineers, and animal behaviorists to explore how these formidable creatures managed to achieve such massive proportions and what processes drive such extremes of nature. A 5-part series produced by Off the Fence and Curiosity Studios. S1 E1 - Anacondas S1 E2 - Elephants S1 E3 - Crocodiles S1 E4 - Sharks S1 E5 - Lions